" More than just food, well I'm broke lately so I can't afford to go to fancy restaurant anymore."

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year 2007

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From Sydney

Friday, December 22, 2006

Chirstmas wish list

1. Macbook Pro
2. New balance sport shoes
3. New glasses
4. New clothes
5. Better Job
6. Girlfriend
7. More free time


have a nice holiday guys



Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Holiday Holiday Holiday

This is my official summer break in 4 years. 4 years you hear that ? 3 months long holiday, wondering what I would do. So far my life schedule during holiday starts like these

7:00 am : Woke up

7:05 am: Sleep again

8:00 am: * GASP * clothes not dry yet

9:00 am: Work

During this period I will be abused by variety of customers. From the " I'm afraid of computer" chick to " I want f*kin bargain " Indian.

5:00 pm: Back from work

6:00 pm: Watch the simpsons re run

7:00 pm: Eat2

8:00 pm: LAN game party

10:00 pm: LAN game still

11:00 pm: at Home realize * why life is so meaningless *

12:00 pm: Sleep while hoping that everything will be better tomorrow

The next day everything starts all over again with occasional suprises here and there but nothing major.

Well hopefully I can find something interesting this holiday period

So far, I found out that my childhood friend is engaged. Geez that was quick eh

Anyway enjoy the post !