Talkin on MSN is hard
Do you guys hate it when people use symbol for words on MSN, don't you just love it. I'll punch inventor of that idea, since when "ADUH" = "Cat rubbing his hear" GOD.... Check this out
so ADUH = Cat, sini = penguin, Some chinese word is "saan", What is monkey ?
Boy, communication doesn't get easier isn't it ?
I honestly recommend anyone who have that plug in installed in MSN to unistall it, it just makes chatting incredibly hard because I have to read the dictionary to understand you and not just ordinary dictionary
ahahaha.... i strongly agree wif u... i oso hate it when words are replaced by the so-called emotions... sometimes,they`re very hard to understand lor... but i`ll ask what the pic means when i really can`t figure out lar....
3:45 AM
I agree with some extent. But those emoticons are cute when they are used in a right way! :D
9:28 PM
I AGREE....although I use it myself, I try not to change too much of it. At least not 1 in every 3 letter is emotes.
5:38 PM
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